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Permanent Residency

Permanent Residency Application

There are four categories of applications that can be made under Permanent Residency. These are provided under Section 37 of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011.

  • (Category A) Application of Permanent Residency by Ex-Citizens of Kenya – This category applies to applicants who were Kenya citizens by birth but have since renounced or lost citizenship status and/or are denied the opportunity by their countries of domicile to hold dual citizenship. Children and spouses of these applicants can also apply.
  • (Category B) Application of Permanent Residency by holders of Work permits – This category applies to applicants who have held Kenya work permits for at least 7 years and have been continuously resident in the country for three years immediately preceding the permanent residence application. It also includes their spouses and children .
  • (Category C) Application of Permanent Residency by Children of Kenya Citizens – This category applies to Children of Kenya Citizens born outside the country and have acquired foreign citizenship of their country of residence/domicile.
  • (Category D) Application of Permanent Residency by Spouses of Kenya Citizens – This category applies to Spouses of Kenya Citizens married for at least three years.
  • Valid travel document not less than six months.

During the application process you will be required to attach the following documents. The file formats that may be attached are: PDF or JPG

For Business Visits

  • Invitation Letters from company / Invitation letter for business visits
  • Copies of registration of the company

For Family visits

  • Invitation Letters from family.
  • Identity card / Passport / Alien card / Entry permit of the host.

For Tourists

  • Travel itinerary (Details about places to visit if going as a tourist).
  • Hotel bookings.

Identity Documents

  • Clear Passport biodata page.
  • A clear photograph

Kindly consider the following while taking a photo for evisa.

  • DO NOT take photograph of or scan the photo in your passport.
  • Must be taken within the past 6 months, showing your current appearance.
  • Must be in color.
  • Must show your full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
  • Must show full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
  • Must be taken in normal street attire. Uniforms should NOT BE worn in photographs except religious attire that is worn daily.
  • Do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
  • If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles, they should be worn for your picture.
  • Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required.
  • Applicants should allow 3 business days to process visa applications.
  • A Visa DOES NOT authorize a foreign national to work in Kenya whether paid or unpaid. Those who wish to work in Kenya (paid or unpaid) require authorization from the Director of Immigration Services, Nairobi. Work/residence permit applications can be submitted by your appointed agent/contact in Kenya. For more information, please visit The Department of Immigration Services on www.immigration.go.ke and https://fns.immigration.go.ke
  • The possession of a visa for Kenya is not the final authority to enter Kenya. The Immigration Officer at the port of entry may refuse such a person permission to enter if he is satisfied that such a visitor is unable to fulfil the immigration requirements and that the entry and presence of such a visitor, in Kenya would be contrary to national interests even though such a person may be in possession of a valid visa for Kenya, provided that any such refusal is consented to by the Director of Immigration Services Nairobi, his Deputy or Provincial Heads of Immigration at Mombasa, Kisumu, and Garissa or any other Senior Officer so authorized to deputize.
  • A Multiple entry visa is valid for 3 to 12 months from the date of issue.